User can specify location and search for such restaurants in your locality
User can specify cuisine and search for such restaurants in your locality
Browse hundreds of menus to find the food you like
Food is prepared & delivered to your door
User can specify item and search for such shopping in your locality
Browse hundreds of items to find the shopping you like
Item is ready & delivered to your door
Customer can create an account & login to place an order.
Enter your location to choose the nearest seller list.
It shows the list of all the product item.
Customer can add their order item to their cart.
Pay by debit card or by Cash on Delivery (COD).
Login your account to know your order status.
Order from your favorite restaurants & track on the go, with the all-new Suraties Online Food Delivery Services app.
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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.
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